PyQt6 Crash Course
The important parts of PyQt6 in bite-size chunks
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Table of Contents
- Welcome to PyQt6 Crash Course
- Welcome to PyQt6 Crash Course
- Why Python GUIs? Is building GUIs with Python a good idea?
- Why PyQt6? What does PyQt6 offer vs. other Python GUI libraries
- Installing PyQt6 Get your system set up for the course
- Getting Started with PyQt6
- Creating a Window Putting your first window on the desktop
- Size and Position Moving windows around the desktop, and resizing them
- PyQt6 Widgets & Layouts Introducing the building blocks of UIs
- Making stuff happen with Signals Triggering functions from widgets
- Nesting layouts in PyQt6 Put layouts in your layouts to build complex UIs
- Introducing PyQt6 Widgets Take a quick tour through the main widgets in PyQt6
- Adding text labels to PyQt6 apps* Introducing QLabel
- Working with images in PyQt6 Using labels to place images in your UI
- Adding text inputs to your apps Introducing QLineEdit
- Pushing buttons in PyQt6 Introducing QPushButton
- Working with Checkboxes Introducing QCheckBox
- Selection boxes in PyQt6 Giving users a choice with QComboBox and QListBox
- Numeric inputs in PyQt6 Accepting integers and floats with QSpinBox and QDoubleSpinBox
- Building complex UIs with PyQt6
- Grid & Form Layouts Introducing specialized layouts
- Main Windows, Toolbars & Menus Start building "real" apps with QMainWindow
- Simple Dialogs Ask the user for help, or information
- Classes & Subclasses* Start building custom widgets and windows
- What next?
- Next steps Some tips on how to expand your knowledge of PyQt6
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