PyQt6 Crash Course
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An introduction to the course & getting ready to start
Welcome to PyQt6 Crash Course
A Welcome to this Course
Why Python GUIs?
Is building GUIs with Python a good idea?
Why PyQt6?
What does PyQt6 offer vs. other Python GUI libraries
Installing PyQt6
Get your system set up for the course
Getting Started with PyQt6
First steps building GUI applications with PyQt6
Creating a Window
Putting your first window on the desktop
Size and Position
Moving windows around the desktop, and resizing them
PyQt6 Widgets & Layouts
Introducing the building blocks of UIs
Making stuff happen with Signals
Triggering functions from widgets
Nesting layouts in PyQt6
Put layouts in your layouts to build complex UIs
Introducing PyQt6 Widgets
Take a quick tour through the main widgets in PyQt6
Adding text labels to PyQt6 apps
Introducing QLabel
Working with images in PyQt6
Using labels to place images in your UI
Adding text inputs to your apps
Introducing QLineEdit
Pushing buttons in PyQt6
Introducing QPushButton
Working with Checkboxes
Introducing QCheckBox
Selection boxes in PyQt6
Giving users a choice with QComboBox and QListBox preview
Numeric inputs in PyQt6
Accepting integers and floats with QSpinBox and QDoubleSpinBox
Building complex UIs with PyQt6
Start assembling realistic UIs with PyQt6
Grid & Form Layouts
Introducing specialized layouts
Main Windows, Toolbars & Menus
Start building "real" apps with QMainWindow
Simple Dialogs
Ask the user for help, or information
Classes & Subclasses
Start building custom widgets and windows
What next?
Where to go from here
Next steps
Some tips on how to expand your knowledge of PyQt6